
Are You Able To Disconnect Your Known Instance And Reconnect

Are you able to disconnect your Known instance and reconnect? I click on the Connect to Facebook button, it redirects and successfully authenticates against Facebook, but when I redirect back to my site I still have a “Connect to Facebook” button (where as previously it would change to “Disconnect from Facebook”).

Scripting News Saturday March 24 2018

Is it possible to let the users tell you what kind of marketing they want, instead of spying on them, and gathering all kinds of potentially damaging information, in an effort to guess what they want? Yes, it is. I know it is because Zillow does it. I have a bunch of queries about real estate in various markets I’m interested in. They send a bulletin every morning of property for sale in each market. The same idea could apply to almost everything I shop for. Instead of guessing, let me tell you what I want. In return you don’t spy on me. source

Phil Libin On Twitter Past Desirable Goods Are Physical And

Past: “Desirable goods are physical and therefore scarce! Let’s build a worldwide economic system to profit from that.” Now: “Oh oh. Digital goods are infinite! Let’s make fake scarcity on the blockchain for no good reason.” Soon: “Well, that was dumb.” #EmbracePostScarcity — Phil Libin (@plibin) March 21, 2018