Unfortunate https://apple.news/AWNCPBBl_TLaWnrQ-1jjCLQ
RT @daringfireball: ‘The Booming Underground Market for Bots That Steal Your 2FA Codes’
RT @DanHollick: I had no idea how touch screens worked until today.
Not many houses giving out candy on our street this year 😕
RT @axios: BREAKING: FDA approves Pfizer vaccine for kids 5 to 11 https://trib.al/lJiDFGZ
RT @PatrickMcGee_: For the 1st year, Apple is now earning $1bn+ a day in revenue.
Full year revenue was $365.8bn, up 33% – its fastest ye…
Pfizer officially submits application for COVID vaccine for kids aged 5-11 to Health Canada - The Star https://apple.news/A8LV61kEgRguJrjZHwgtUtA
Smuggler’s run was so GOOD!
Moved a bunch of app notifications into scheduled delivery today, feels good
So can you not get a map image from a location in shortcuts anymore? cc: @mattcassinelli #iOS15
RT @Netflix_Sandman: Just as dreams can manifest in the waking world by coming true… so can nightmares. The Sandman, coming soon to @Netfli…
Exchange/Outlook autodiscover bug exposed 100,000+ email passwords - Ars Technica https://apple.news/AZQEnVB4DTHi7su8KILEzwA
RT @stroughtonsmith: One thing that is incredibly non-obvious about the new iPad homescreen in iOS 15 is that it stores both your portrait,…
iCloud mail custom domain successfully setup
The Apple News Canadian election feature is pretty neat #CanadaVotes #elxn44
I find this hilarious, AMP was made to speed up websites on mobile and now there are two extensions on day 1 of iOS15 to disable AMP 😂
RT @dave_et_al: This really is fucking amazing work from Breitbart https://t.co/1cwFgSciQb
RT @asifintoronto: Only 15% of Conservative candidates say they’re fully vaccinated, according to the Globe. The number may be higher, but…
Loved this raid, can’t wait for it to come back! https://twitter.com/destinytrack/status/1439212618581897224
No new AirPods 😭
This sounds like a great update https://sixcolors.com/link/2021/09/updated-marvel-unlimited-adds-vertical-comics-and-better-following-features/