Crazy weather out here, thunder, lightning, high winds and power flickering.
Crazy weather out here, thunder, lightning, high winds and power flickering.
Mowed the lawn in this heat, now time for lunch.
Just played Batman Arkham Asylum demo - f’n awesome!
Hi ho hi ho it’s off to work I go
Had a good soccer game tonight, and we won :)
Stupid car radio, why don’t you work?????
Finished mowing the lawn, time for some video games :)
At a baby shower, man is the kid spoiled and she isn’t even born yet :)
Gettin’ ready to watch movie
Should really mow the lawn today… But I don’t wanna…
Got a K9 boarder for the night
Beware the iPhone SMS vulnerability -
Tired from playing soccer…
The Pirate Bay should get a retrial -
Wolverine was good, not great, but good
not liking cfengine right now
Gmail with ninjas rocks!
is disappointed in the CRTC
On my way to a jack and jill
Screw Rogers and Bell, eztv for me :)
yey, Monday!
is not very pleased with Leon’s right now
Assembling furniture sucks
waiting for furniture to arrive