RT @The_T: Completely forgot today was Star Wars day!! May the 4th be with you!
RT @The_T: Completely forgot today was Star Wars day!! May the 4th be with you!
RT @extralife: Fallout lunch box. http://instagr.am/p/Dr9fU/
RT @mgeist: +1 RT @rhh: 1800 wikileaks cables drop just before an election and our newspapers are silent. Unbelievable.
RT @mgeist: Wikileaks Cable Confirms Public Pressure Forced Delay of Canadian Copyright Bill in 2008 http://is.gd/XTP0Ed 1/2
RT @newsycombinator: Apple is not recording your moves http://j.mp/eDMvP4
RT @RWW: Your iPhone Is Tracking Your Every Move http://rww.to/fXZR66
@ginatrapani would be interested to hear your thoughts re: iPad vs Xoom
Q’n - http://instagram.com/p/C_b_n/
RT @jasonfried: Brilliant ad for Hot Wheels: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2011/04/hot-wheels.jpg
CRIA Watches Massive Music Piracy Crisis Devastate Unknown Band - http://j.mp/hMGlvJ
RT @OpenMedia_ca: Audience asks about of online gamers - speaker: huge prob for capacity. Me: why not see issues as a challenge rather p …
The UBB Deception - http://j.mp/gsb88M #ubb
RT @ColinPeters: Sure, they have robots to blow up people in Pakistan, but not one single radiation-proof firefighter robot to fill up a …
RT @googleearth: Google Person Finder launched for Japan Earthquake & Tsunami victims. http://goo.gl/gpAXS
RT @OpenMedia_ca: CRTC lets Bell gobble up CTV - More Incentive 2 Discriminate Against Internet http://bit.ly/dMwDLD - Action: http://bi …
RT @zakiwarfel: RIM’s Playbook SDK sounds like a disaster http://blog.jamiemurai.com/2011/02/you-win-rim/
How well would TV have done if people were told they could only watch 2.8hrs/wk rather than the 28 they’re doing today? #ubb
RT @mollywood: Dear media: Don’t do Verizon’s PR job for them. People who use the data they pay for are not “data hogs.” http://bit.ly/h …
RT @iPhoneinCanada: Bandwidth Costs: Canada Versus the World http://ow.ly/1b9yCS
RT @OpenMedia_ca: #PressRelease: #Liberals Come out Against Internet Metering as Petition Passes 200K http://bit.ly/hy8L7V #crtc #cdnpol …
RT @shwood: Private security firms found to be “equal to or better than” TSA screeners… So TSA bans their use: http://bit.ly/i40LZV
Love the new touch web interface with @xbmc 10.10
Replying to @ginatrapani
If you can’t buy it, imagine how many others are having similar problems. Must be frustrating for devs trying to get paid.
RT @XBMC: XBMC Released for AppleTV2, iPad, iPhone. The real-deal, not a stripped-down remote version. Full announcement here: http://xb …