
How well would TV have done if people were told they could only watch 2.8hrs/wk rather than the 28 they’re doing today? #ubb


Replying to @ginatrapani

If you can’t buy it, imagine how many others are having similar problems. Must be frustrating for devs trying to get paid.


RT @XBMC: XBMC Released for AppleTV2, iPad, iPhone. The real-deal, not a stripped-down remote version. Full announcement here: http://xb …


RT @kevinrose: WTF of the day, Google Chrome drops H.264 video, in support of “open codec technologies”.. yet in June they added Flash ( …


RT @Mike_FTW: If Loughner’s a Christian we should make sure no one tries to build a church near the shooting scene.


Skype video on iPhone works great, even with the 3GS which only has the rear facing camera.


RT @jasonmustian: Body scans and genital fondlings would save more lives if our Government was paying to have them done in hospitals rat …


Rage for iPad is amazing! I can remember building gaming rigs to support games that didn’t look nearly this good.
