
More Than A Million Hens Filling Barns At Three Per

“The USDA allows Herbruck’s and other large operations to sell their eggs as organic because officials have interpreted the word “outdoors” in such a way that farms that confine their hens to barns but add “porches” are deemed eligible for the valuable “USDA Organic” label. The porches are typically walled-in areas with a roof, hard floors and screening on one side.” I hate it when companies sidestep the spirit of something with loose semantics. Oh yes, screened in “porches” are totally what we meant when we said “outdoors” 🙄

Nothing like having your dog get sprayed by a skunk right before bed to keep you up until 2am trying to get the stink out of everything 😷


Another cool ARKit demo

Another cool ARKit demo: 🤔 measuring a kitchen shouldn't be this satisfying...like, at all 🤔 https://t.co/7nhacasdnO → app by @SmartPicture3D 📏 pic.twitter.com/eztjNbDVyL — Made With ARKit (@madewithARKit) July 12, 2017

Scientists Just Teleported A Photon From Earth To Orbit For

“This teleportation feat was announced as one of the first results of these experiments. Not only did the team teleport the first object ever from the ground to orbit, they also created the first satellite-to-ground quantum network, smashing the record for the longest distance for which entanglement has been measured.” The potentials and possibilities are exciting to think about.

Zoey bought some Lego

I’m very proud of Zoey. She’s been wanting this Lego set (which was more than $100) for many weeks. She saved her allowance, bought it and built it, all on her own.

Rubio Ridicules Trumps Russia Strategy Axios

“While reality & pragmatism requires that we engage Vladimir Putin, he will never be a trusted ally or a reliable constructive partner…. Partnering with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit.”” This is ridiculous.