White House bans use of personal devices from West Wing - CBS News: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/white-house-bans-personal-cell-phone-use-from-west-wing
White House bans use of personal devices from West Wing - CBS News: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/white-house-bans-personal-cell-phone-use-from-west-wing
Presidential murder as a deterrent to nuclear war: https://kottke.org/18/01/murder-as-a-deterrent-to-nuclear-war
Flaw in Intel chipset security forces macOS-level fix | iMore: https://www.imore.com/flaw-intel-chipsets
Happy new year 🎉
Samsung Galaxy Note 8, S8 Plus Phones Dying After Battery Hits Zero | iPhone in Canada Blog - Canada’s #1 iPhone Resource: http://www.iphoneincanada.ca/news/samsung-galaxy-note-8-s8-plus-wont-turn-on
Samsung and LG say they do not slow down older phones: https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/29/samsung-lg-claim-older-phones-apple
Hundreds of Google Play Store games are reporting TV habits to advertisers: https://mobilesyrup.com/2017/12/29/hundreds-google-play-store-games-reporting-tv-habits-to-advertisers
FCC approves first wireless ‘power-at-a-distance’ charging system : https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/26/fcc-approves-first-wireless-power-at-a-distance-charging-syste
The Last Jedi was good, really good!
Girls are watching classic Disney Christmas cartoons on YouTube and laughing hysterically.
Trump has spent 1/3 of his time in office at his own properties - Axios: https://www.axios.com/trump-has-spent-a-third-of-his-time-in-office-at-his-properties-2520057995.html