
Samsung And Lg Say They Do Not Slow Down Older

I find this a little dubious. Since they don’t have a hand in the OS, nor do they design their own chips, how do they know the CPU isn’t throttling down when power isn’t available? Even chips from Intel and AMD will throttle down when on battery power vs plugged in, I’d be surprised if the Qualcomm chips most of these handset manufacturers use didn’t throttle the CPU based on available power. 

Girls are watching classic Disney Christmas cartoons on YouTube and laughing hysterically.


Daring Fireball Apple Addresses Why Some iPhones With Older Batteries

I always found the argument that Apple purposely slows down phones ridiculous, turns out they are, to some degree, but it’s to improve device longevity. As Gruber puts it: If older iPhones suffer upon being updated to iOS 7 — getting slower, or worse battery life, or losing Wi-Fi — to such a degree that the users conclude they now need to buy a new phone, would not the most likely and logical result be that it would inspire many of them to switch to Android (or Windows Phone, or anything) rather than to buy another iPhone?