
Cloudflare Launches 1111 DNS Service That Will Speed Up Your

Cloudflare has worked with APNIC to offer its DNS service through and Lots of people have used as a dummy address, and APNIC have tried in the past to analyze the flood of traffic to the IP address and been overwhelmed. “We talked to the APNIC team about how we wanted to create a privacy-first, extremely fast DNS system,” explains Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince. “We offered Cloudflare’s network to receive and study the garbage traffic in exchange for being able to offer a DNS resolver on the memorable IPs. And, with that, was born.”

Are You Able To Disconnect Your Known Instance And Reconnect

Are you able to disconnect your Known instance and reconnect? I click on the Connect to Facebook button, it redirects and successfully authenticates against Facebook, but when I redirect back to my site I still have a “Connect to Facebook” button (where as previously it would change to “Disconnect from Facebook”).