
Trump Warns That Florida Recount Could Set Dangerous Precedent Of

Having just returned from the Armistice commemoration in Paris, Trump said that Florida’s recount has made America “the laughingstock of the world,” adding, “Putin told me they never do recounts in Russia.” This is satire, but honestly, when Trump’s involved, it’s hard to know sometimes.

What if the recounts in Florida show the Republicans winning? Are people supposed to trust it?


Mark Hamill On Twitter The Character Of The Country Is

"The character of the country is on the ballot. Who we are... What kind of politics we expect... How we treat other people... How we conduct ourselves in public life..." are ALL on the ballot. TODAY is our chance to prove to the world: WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS. #VoteToday 🗳️🌊👍 pic.twitter.com/1NyKwNR1Mn — Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) November 6, 2018

The Hard Drive In My Windows Machine That Died And

The hard drive in my Windows machine that died and that I thought was the drive holding the OS actually wasn’t. It turns out, the surviving drive is the one with the OS, but the drive that failed had the boot record on it which is why I was unable to boot. I was able to determine this by downloading the Windows 10 USB installer, booting up with that and inspecting the surviving drive. I managed to restore the boot information and boot successfully into Windows 10. This is a relief. All that was on the other drive was game installs, most of which I can reinstall by downloading them from Steam or similar cloud libraries.