
Programming In A Nutshelllets Implement This Big Feature Done In

. Programming in a nutshell: “Let’s implement this big feature” = done in 1 hour “Let's just fix this tiny bug” = a week long trek in to the jungle that is your codebase, discovering several new species of bug along the way, and ultimately questioning your life choices — Martin Pilkington (@pilky) July 3, 2020

RT @pilky: Programming in a nutshell:

“Let’s implement this big feature” = done in 1 hour

“Let’s just fix this tiny bug” = a week long tr…


What Does A Mask Do Blocks Respiratory Droplets Coming From

. What does a mask do? Blocks respiratory droplets coming from your mouth and throat. Two simple demos: First, I sneezed, sang, talked & coughed toward an agar culture plate with or without a mask. Bacteria colonies show where droplets landed. A mask blocks virtually all of them. pic.twitter.com/ETUD9DFmgU — Rich Davis, PhD, D(ABMM), MLS🧫🦠 (@richdavisphd) June 26, 2020

RT @richdavisphd: What does a mask do? Blocks respiratory droplets coming from your mouth and throat.

Two simple demos:

First, I sneezed,…
