Translation From Adorable Bullshit to English of Microsoft’s ‘10 Principles for the Microsoft Store on Windows’:
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Most plausible explanation I’ve seen yet
. Space Magic.
— dmg04 (@A_dmg04) October 11, 2020
. "What we do in Discord would not be possible without Elixir. It wouldn’t be possible in Node or Python. We would not be able to build this with five engineers if it was a C++ codebase."
— Jason Stiebs (@peregrine) October 8, 2020
This is shocking; Apple’s source repo, including the source to possibly everything in iOS and macOS, was wide open to the public-facing internet via a Pages web app vulnerability
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. In game design, knowing what you need is a lot more powerful than knowing what you want. Here’s an example from a raid we made in Destiny.
— Joe Blackburn (@joegoroth) October 3, 2020
I love how tech commenters can’t possibly understand how anybody would ever want a widget that just shows a color palette, meanwhile Pastel sales are up 11X over last week
It’s OK that you don’t get it, folks — it’s not for you
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ME: Put in once and that’s it?
IOTAC: no u take it out every season
ME: so there’s handles?
IOTAC: no.
ME: oh.
IOTAC: the back is covered in a thousand exposed razor blades
— Ebert (@horsedivorce) October 4, 2020
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. Amy Coney Barrett brought her 7 unmasked kids to a super spreader event to show how pro life she is so she could be confirmed by a group of pro life people who have presided over 200K+ deaths to be a pro life judge that will uphold the death penalty and take away health insurance
— J-L Cauvin (@JLCauvin) October 3, 2020
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To help Donald Trump get the full COVID-19 experience, let’s make sure he loses his job and is evicted from his home next month.
. We’re infinitely excited to announce the Caves & Cliffs Update: the update that rocked the world!
Join us now – if you haven’t already – and keeping watching the rest of the show for part two of the Caves & Cliffs announcement!
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— Minecraft (@Minecraft) October 3, 2020
. I’ve transformed the iPhone into a Magic Trackpad! And the app is now available on the App Store 🥳:
Many thanks to @_inside, who kindly gave me invaluable feedback during the development process.
— Hugo Lispector (@hugolispector) October 2, 2020
. can’t believe trump tested positive for covid when all he had to do was not get tested and then he simply wouldn’t have it
— tate (@50FirstTates) October 2, 2020
First day after accepting my dream job, Tam Armstrong said something like "Have you seen it yet? Come to my desk."
"It" looked something like this.
— Hopps (@hopps) October 2, 2020
. Fusion is no longer a science project.
"in seven peer-reviewed papers in a special issue of The Journal of Plasma Physics, researchers laid out the evidence that SPARC would succeed and produce as much as 10 times the energy it consumes."
More from NYT:
— Steve Jurvetson (@FutureJurvetson) September 30, 2020