RT @gigaom: Hands-on with the Skype iPad app that came and went (and came back again) http://dlvr.it/dY4bW
RT @gigaom: Hands-on with the Skype iPad app that came and went (and came back again) http://dlvr.it/dY4bW
RT @OpenMedia_ca: RT @Wammy70: #Bell Canada rated worst DSL provider in all of North America. http://bit.ly/fBKca #ubb #crtc #cdntech
RT @BBCBreaking: At least one person has been killed, several injured, in #Oslo explosion, Norwegian broadcaster NRK reports. Live: http …
Replying to @1Password
Good to hear, looking forward to seeing some improvements to this extension for the best password manager!
Seriously disliking the new @1password Safari 5.1 extension.
Lion tomorrow! Woot!
RT @anotherkady: Bhullar agrees that’s a very good question. Rogers, he notes, will deliver 3 tbs to his house today, albeit in HDTV for …
RT @shwood: Spotify: “You can play ANY SONG IN THE WORLD!” Me: “Really? Let me search for ‘Beatles’…” Spotify: “You’re an asshole.”
RT @mgeist: TekSavvy notes it’s laying fibre in Perth, ON. Far different from mischaracterization that ind ISPs don’t invest in network #UBB
RT @mgeist: CNOC: “Once network is built and paid for, there is almost no cost to move Internet and other broadband traffic across it.” #UBB
RT @TomRaftery: RT @shakefu: RT @dens Total lifetime cost of space shuttle program $196 billion. Good deal, AIG bailout cost $182 billion
Yey, got a #googleplus account! Thx @mick_szucs
RT @darendoc: If NASA had any guts, they would dress the landing crew at Edwards as Apes to receive the Astronauts on their last Shuttle …
RT @ThisOldNerdShow: Learn how to get free HDTV using an over-the-air antenna on this week’s ep of “This Old Nerd” http://bit.ly/ton0203
From @steam_games: Save 33% on Portal 2 on Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/620/
RT @torrentfreak: Music Rights Groups Raided By Police, Bosses Arrested For Fraud http://dlvr.it/YmVmm
RT @loic: on Google + you can get all your data back, pics, etc, it’s “data liberation” in settings. That is a huge win over Facebook. G …
Would be very thankful for a #googleplus invite. Anyone have any to offer?
And yet gas prices are still at $1.25 >> Oil dips below $90 http://flpbd.it/EMNo
Man arrested, stripped before G20 http://flpbd.it/8mqw
RT @GlennRubenstein: Valve has made Team Fortress 2 free to play permanently, so now there’s absolutely no excuse to not play it. http:/ …
RT @fastcompany: Afghanistan’s Amazing DIY Internet http://bit.ly/lk6aJq
RT @NewYorker: China’s trying to hide the wealth of its new millionaire class, but the wealthy are out spending: http://nyr.kr/kLIwfI