RT @allthingsd: An Amazing Social Network (Comic) http://dthin.gs/tyv05i
RT @allthingsd: An Amazing Social Network (Comic) http://dthin.gs/tyv05i
Is there a @flipboard like app for the iPhone?
RT @lifehacker: Here’s a new iOS shortcut: you can dismiss notifications with just a swipe. Check out our video demo:
RT @iPhoneinCanada: RT @sparrowmailapp: In a few months, you’ll get the Gmail experience you deserve on your iPhone. Sparrow to the rescue!
RT @Scobleizer: The iPhone app for Gmail is out: https://plus.google.com/111091089527727420853/posts/i5agW3iZy26 Go get it! I’m downloading it now.
Freaking out all the kids tonight http://instagr.am/p/SQID0/
RT @extralife: Happy Alternate Use for Pillow Cases Day, everyone!
Halloween is upon us http://instagr.am/p/SEXPM/
RT @iyaz: Now you can get 3 PlayBooks for the price of 2, the only problem is I don’t want even 1. via @techcrunch http://techcrunch.com/2011/10/28/rims-playbook-push-businesses-buy-two-get-one-free/
RT @OpenMedia_ca: Breaking news: It’s Official: Gamers have Caught Rogers Violating Internet Openness Rules http://bit.ly/vJ0Ygm #crtc # …
RT @doctorow: Canadian Tory MP: Don’t worry about violating our stupid new copyright law, because we probably won’t catch you http://t.c …
Found some old memory sticks going through boxes in the den. The 32 MB one was considered big back in the day.
RT @DiscoverMag: Computer scientists crack “unbreakable” code, find minutes of 250-year-old secret society: http://bit.ly/w2hn3p by @ver …
RT @j_sight: MUST WATCH: Protesters rush to help injured person, OPD discharges explosive canister into aid circle. #OccupyOakland http: …
Having a great time! (@ Iberostar Rose Hall Grand Hotel) [pic]: http://4sq.com/ntcdSd
RT @parislemon: oh looky – Facebook’s iPad App Is Finally Here. Yes, For Real This Time. http://tcrn.ch/pcKe52
Surprised to hear about Steve Jobs. RIP.
RT @mgeist: RCC: “If Bill C-32..had been on books in 1980, we would not have had VCR, the PC & countless other products” http://t.co/BD9 …
RT @Alyssa_Milano: Floppy disk drives play ‘Imperial March’ from Star Wars (video): http://huff.to/odIZqs
RT @XBMC: And… Here it is: XBMC is going into feature freeze. Eden is on the way. It just got real. http://ow.ly/1xU2gq
Got some catching up to do. http://instagr.am/p/OMiZL/