RT @extralife: Batman Arkham City is 24 bucks on steam?? DONE!
RT @slashdot: What Could Have Been In the Public Domain Today, But Isn’t http://bit.ly/trIGIJ
RT @GamingAndPandas: SWTOR GMs Banning Users For Going to Zones Above Their Level? http://www.lo-ping.org/2011/12/31/swtor-gms-banning-users-for-going-to-zones-above-their-level/
RT @MacRumors: Apple TV Hacked to Run iOS Apps at Full Screen http://macrumo.rs/rD7txt
RT @slashdot: Lax Security At Russian Rocket Plant http://bit.ly/vda5eL
RT @verge: 60beat’s GamePad brings console-style controls to iOS http://bit.ly/ut3Bxl
Replying to @mick_szucs
very true. Another truth is that’ll suck because it is developed by Treyarch.
Whatchin’ the Yule Log this morning. Merry Christmas everyone! http://instagr.am/p/bfw3T/
RT @VentureBeat: Star Wars: The Old Republic reaches 1M registered users in just one week http://wp.me/p1re2-1ybS
RT @YourAnonNews: Why did GoDaddy support #SOPA? Bc it had secured an exemption from the bill’s terms! | http://goo.gl/Osxi7 (via @jto …
RT @VentureBeat: Here’s what Hollywood & Silicon Valley are spending on SOPA - http://ow.ly/84vPY by @JolieODell
RT @VentureBeat: The deal is dead: AT&T gives up on T-Mobile merger http://bit.ly/uJn4bM by @seanludwig
Left 4 Dead short film rivals Hollywood production values (video) | VentureBeat http://venturebeat.com/2011/12/16/left-4-dead-short-film-features-space-marines-video/ via @venturebeat
RT @extralife: The best light saber fight you are likely to see today. (Make sure you watch the ending.) http://youtu.be/LF9Qk6m_b74
RT @Techmeme: Google’s Android Update Alliance Is Already Dead (@jlendino / PC Magazine) http://j.mp/viCzf3 http://techme.me/CQkz
RT @gigaom: New 7.85-inch iPad mini reportedly coming in 2012 http://dlvr.it/10nPpP
RT @IGN: Play as a zombie with the latest update for the iOS game, Plants vs. Zombies http://go.ign.com/taM76D
RT @TheNextWeb: Woah. Jerry Seinfeld perfectly explained the success of Facebook in 1992! http://tnw.to/1CG93 by @zee on @tnwfacebook
RT @daringfireball: Accounts of a Massacre in Iraq Found in Junkyard: http://df4.us/ivz
RT @torrentfreak: Breaking!! █████ █ █ ████ ███ ███ of ████ that ████ ███ #SOPA http://bit.ly/uI6XoH
RT @daringfireball: Sales Figures From Louis C.K.: http://df4.us/ivm
RT @BGR: TeleNav announces free HTML5-based turn-by-turn GPS navigation service http://goo.gl/fb/cBYQv
That is cool and scary at the same time. RT @NatGeo: Photo of the Day: Spiderwebs, Pakistan http://on.natgeo.com/tYcfGi #pod #photography
RT @iPadinCanada: Canadian Textbooks For iPad Coming Soon To iBooks Store http://goo.gl/fb/2lDtp