RT @gigaom: Is the spectrum crisis a myth? http://dlvr.it/189tX2
RT @gigaom: Is the spectrum crisis a myth? http://dlvr.it/189tX2
RT @engadget: Scientists produce stronger T-rays, bring Tricorders closer to reality http://engt.co/AsxX0f
RT @thinkprogress: “We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor” – MLK Jr., 1964 #MLKDay
RT @IGN: Great dating advice for gamers… http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150502726566633
RT @gameinformer: This Canceled Batman Game Sounded Awesome http://bit.ly/ww4MdK
RT @tucows: Hey @wilw we’re joining @reddit to fight against #SOPA. Tucows Downloads will be blacked-out on Jan 18. http://tucowsinc.com/news/2012/01/why-we-dont-like-sopa/
RT @ckindel: I am convinced the only reason people are still using vi is nobody can remember how to exit out of it.
RT @lifehacker: iKeyboardRemote turns your Mac keyboard into a bluetooth media remote for your iOS device. http://lifehacker.com/5875450
RT @verge: MSI GUS II external GPU enclosure with Thunderbolt (hands-on) http://bit.ly/wn3qiq
I love goodreader’s iCloud integration. I can markup PDFs on my iPad and get those markups on my MacBook. #productivity
RT @GeekTyrant: Awesome STAR WARS Poster Celebrating the Battle of Yavin http://rant.to/Aa8500 by @JoeyPaur at @GeekTyrant
Doing some major construction http://instagr.am/p/fpJMn/
But it is the best health care system in the world! RT @AJEnglish: Video: Poor in the US bartering for healthcare http://aje.me/AcNiQq
RT @AJEnglish: After US-led war and occupation, #Iraq still does not have full control of its #oil, writes @DahrJamail http://aje.me/w9M9Fy
RT @verge: Microsoft builds a 3D hologram that you can touch (video) http://bit.ly/y7psDs
Played two rounds of hutball in #SWTOR. Won one, lost one. A fun experience overall.
Queued up for my first attempt at PVP in #SWTOR
RT @torrentfreak: US Threatened To Blacklist Spain For Not Implementing Site Blocking Law http://dlvr.it/13dW1T
RT @IGN: The World War Z movie with Brad Pitt could be a trilogy http://go.ign.com/zYlQ3D
RT @gameinformer: Bioware Hasn’t Forgotten About Mac Users And Star Wars: The Old Republic http://bit.ly/vrzOzG
Watching some old chip n sale cartoons on YouTube http://instagr.am/p/d8pzq/
RT @felixsalmon: Photo: (via Toronto News: Year-long exposure of Toronto skyline produces ‘dreamy’ image - http://thestar.com) How… …