RT @verge: US alcohol and firearms regulator abandons BlackBerry for iPhone, other platforms http://bit.ly/wtCySA
RT @verge: US alcohol and firearms regulator abandons BlackBerry for iPhone, other platforms http://bit.ly/wtCySA
RT @ClaytonMorris: Hey comic fans this is for you. Marvel announces over 80 graphic novels for the iBookstore: http://yfrog.com/gzrpogp
RT @gigaom: $850 for everyone? What happens next in the AT&T throttling case http://dlvr.it/1FmrK5
RT @daringfireball: Setting the Record Straight on Google’s Safari Tracking: http://df4.us/ja8
Drivin’ @ Oshawa GO Station http://instagr.am/p/Hebf-VNBVQ/
I loved this game! RT @Kotaku: The Art of Homeworld. Enjoy. http://bit.ly/x9UaeH
RT @1Password: Using 1Password in Chrome?
Type “1p” in the omnibar followed by a space or tab.
Start typing to search for a Login.
Pr …
RT @BillyCrystal: First rehearsal: They said keep it “fresh and new.” This from an industry that just brought us Fast & Furious 5 and Ha …
I unlocked the Mardi Gras 2012 sticker on @GetGlue! http://is.gd/grmjET
I’m watching True Blood (147 others checked-in) http://bit.ly/webwtC @GetGlue @TrueBloodHBO
RT @Oatmeal: I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened http://bit.ly/yCuJRb
RT @verge: Messages app for OS X brings file transfers to iMessage (hands-on) http://bit.ly/yAEkXE
All domains moved to @hover, very happy.
RT @lifehacker: The next version of OS X is called Mountain Lion, and it’s packing tons of new features: http://lifehac.kr/AwV5se
RT @pmoharper: You either stand with convicted fraudster and adulterer @vikileaks30 or you stand with child pornographers. Your choice. …
RT @ThePrivacyTrap: Critics take aim at Harper’s online surveillance bill http://trap.it/wq2wmm #privacy
RT @slashdot: Canada ISPs Not Subject To Content Rules, Court Says http://bit.ly/xUVcTd
RT @EFF: Don’t let the U.S. pressure #Canada into a draconian IP regime https://eff.org/r.5Sf Bill #C11
RT @scottjohnson: This is the coolest thing you are likely to see today. http://static.flabber.net/files/scale-of-the-universe-2.swf (thx @Veronica )
RT @WyldeOnHealth: Retweet this today and for each RT Bell gives 5¢ to #MentalHealth: “Feb 8 is #BellLetsTalk day. Help end the stigma”
RT @verge: Apple ‘iTV’ prototypes already in testing at Bell and Rogers in Canada? http://bit.ly/zOqSAH
RT @Techmeme: Google to strip Chrome of SSL revocation checking (@dangoodin001 / Ars Technica) http://arstechnica.com/business/guides/2012/02/google-strips-chrome-of-ssl-revocation-checking.ars http://www.techmeme.com/120207/p2#a120207p2
RT @verge: Search engine BTJunkie closes its doors http://bit.ly/wBzDxW
RT @lifehacker: The iPad’s split keyboard has a few hidden buttons that make typing a lot easier. Here’s where they are: http://t.co/irH …