RT @slashdot: Federal Appeals Court Orders TSA To Explain Delay In Body Scan Public Hearing http://bit.ly/OLElpP
RT @slashdot: Federal Appeals Court Orders TSA To Explain Delay In Body Scan Public Hearing http://bit.ly/OLElpP
RT @gigaom: A threat to WikiLeaks is a threat to a free press (by @mathewi): http://ow.ly/cvk1R
RT @BGR: Hacker uses NFC to pwn Android phones http://bgr.co/LT5Z07 by @bwreedbgr
RT @Dropbox: Using OS X Mountain Lion? Get the newest version of #Dropbox! Read more on our blog: http://ow.ly/cwRfz
Mountain Lion successfully installed
RT @torrentfreak: Accused Movie Pirate Sues for Defamation and Millions in Damages http://dlvr.it/1v9hb4
Cars were created for transportation, people die when an accident happens. Guns were created to kill, no accidents required.
RT @VentureBeat: Grab the popcorn: Popular media player XBMC heads to Android http://wp.me/p1re2-23Ic by @devindra
RT @science: Hubble discovers fifth moon orbiting Pluto http://bit.ly/MjDSro
RT @verge: eBay listing claims to have every game from 22 classic consoles, asks for €999,999.99 http://bit.ly/NvKC6I
RT @MobileSyrup: Free Wi-Fi now at Tim Hortons http://bit.ly/PiuMBA
RT @shwood: This is a fantastic, simple explanation of the quest to find the Higgs Boson:
http://vimeo.com/41038445 (HT @markb)
Just signed the Declaration of Internet Freedom http://www.internetdeclaration.org/
RT @slashdot: GPS Spoofing Attack Hacks Drones http://bit.ly/OFOV2U
RT @lifehacker: Wish you could open URLs in Chrome for iOS instead of Safari? Here’s how you can: http://lifehac.kr/CLba
RT @iMore: Atari offers 100 greatest hits for free to commemorate 40th anniversary http://bit.ly/M8MzJz
RT @verge: Facebook readies ‘blazing fast’ native iOS app for summer release, New York Times reports http://vrge.co/LBUXjo
RT @lifehacker: Apple finally has an official Podcast app for iOS, which streams, downloads, and syncs with iTunes: http://lifehac.kr/Y9PE
Tech Suits Endanger Innovation (via @Pocket) http://pocket.co/soGEa
Finally! RT @MacRumors: iOS Blog: Google Brings Notification Center Support to Gmail App for iOS http://macrumo.rs/Q4QAgH
RT @slashdot: “Twisted” OAM Beams Carry 2.5 Terabits Per Second http://bit.ly/MjyTLs
RT @arstechnica: Scientists crack RSA SecurID 800 tokens, steal cryptographic keys http://arstechnica.com/security/2012/06/securid-crypto-attack-steals-keys/ by @dangoodin001
RT @iPhoneinCanada: Fruit Ninja Celebrates 2 Year Anniversary by Giving Away Free Downloads http://goo.gl/fb/zlRDK
RT @EFF: Canada has joined #TPP negotiations: @OpenMedia_ca wants to hear from Canadian Internet users about their concerns https://t.co …