Zoey is very excited about the snow. She wants to get out there and shovel! http://instagr.am/p/SajlCPNBTt/
Zoey is very excited about the snow. She wants to get out there and shovel! http://instagr.am/p/SajlCPNBTt/
RT @radleybalko: Probably the greatest Internet thing you’ll see today. https://twitter.com/carrozo/status/271624397624844288/photo/1
RT @farmgeek: Amazing: TSA ‘responsible’ for more deaths than 911, every year http://buswk.co/QnQVjf via @davetenhave
Replying to @TwittyMick
listened to this on my way home, worth it. Is the one Deadpool writer who I think it is?
RT @techdirt: That Was Fast: Hollywood Already Browbeat The Republicans Into Retracting Report On Copyright Reform http://dlvr.it/2VYlhl
RT @jacobwcarlson: The software development process as seen by the Sales team: http://i.imgur.com/U4Tvz.jpg
RT @siracusa: This looks hot: http://mosh.mit.edu
I vote for flying jets into it! RT @PopSci: A hurricane’s coming! Will scientists ever be able to stop it? http://flpbd.it/QIyxn
Meow http://instagr.am/p/Ryocd_NBR_/
RT @mikeysan: So. Completely losing your shit in front of everyone is henceforth known as “taking a trump”. /cc @realDonaldTrump
RT @RealTimeWWII: Results coming in for US Presidential election: looks like a landslide win for Democratic President Roosevelt. http:// …
RT @ClaytonMorris: Anyone who doubts the security of electronic voting need only watch David Bismark’s excellent Ted Talk here: http:// …
RT @RealTimeWWII: Record 50 million US citizens voting in today’s presidential election- Democratic Roosevelt vs. Republican Willkie. ht …
RT @timoreilly: Uncertified, “experimental” software patches have been installed on machines in 39 counties in Ohio http://bit.ly/RBMnDM …
RT @waltmossberg: Windows RT accounts for half of the 32GB Surface’s disk space http://vrge.co/TFZPaB via @verge
Damn you Game Centre, I’ve got letterpressin’ to do.
RT @strombo: Just thought u should know this. Bill passed in parliament to ban people from wearing masks at riots http://tiny.cc/fof5mw W …
RT @rickygervais: Early Christians were labeled Atheists by Romans, because they didn’t believe in all the Gods. Haha. Brilliant.