A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/2jxz2P3N3
A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/2jxz2P3N3
RT @Cmdr_Hadfield: How would a candle burn without gravity? An onboard experiment called BASS shows us, here where heat doesn’t rise. http:…
RT @EFF: Breaking: The US House just passed #CISPA, undermining the privacy of millions of Internet users. Now we take this fight to the Se…
Look like something out of a sci-fi movie. http://fb.me/K4apHxVW
Photo: mr-dalliard: Time travel in movies Love this. http://tmblr.co/ZRCGbvio5g0f
Amazing. http://fb.me/xmdTB4sC
#GameofThrones time.
Want to see both of these.
THE WOLVERINE, Hit-Girl KICK-ASS 2 Trailers Debut (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/2wjKYTCpc
Very interesting.
The Brains of the Animal Kingdom (via @Pocket) #longreads http://fb.me/LvuaZ3aQ
Bobba Fett is Zoey’s favorite character in lego Star Wars. We’ve raised her right.
RT @rickygervais: All Gods are man-made mumbo jumbo. Illogical nonsense used to explain the unknown. Except the one you believe in of co …
I Don’t Like Being Lied To — Neither Did This Documentary Crew http://fb.me/1Zc4GP71k
Amazing work. Makes me wonder about people doing similar things with malicious intensions.
Internet Census 2012… http://fb.me/M8tPAOGf
Kick Ass is an awesome movie. Gonna have to check out the comics now.
Awesome :)
Truther mockumentary asks: Was the destruction of the Death Star an inside job? (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/1sfn6W6GW
That’s a lot of new users in a short time. http://fb.me/2cFQnfFuv
Watch This Absolutely Beautiful Animated Explanation Of DNA (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/1GmAqvt2f
It makes me sick thinking about this. I don’t understand why nothing can be done. http://fb.me/1jUFJm7ZE
These are great! http://fb.me/JZJQLod0
Oh EA… http://fb.me/22VxA2o6E
RT @CBCebulski: RT @Gizmodo: Marvel Unlimited: Marvel’s Spotify for comics is finally out for iOS: http://gizmo.do/MB92ELb
RT @darrylayo: Let me explain comic books to you. Imagine you want to go to a movie but the only way to understand it is watch every mov …
Viral Video Shows the Extent of U.S. Wealth Inequality http://fb.me/1nnfN1Kh1
RT @hodgman: If all yr favorite podcasts get patent trolled out of existence, will you be glad you didn’t take 5 min to do this? https:/ …