RT @hackernewsbot: FBI Checks Wrong Box, Places Student on No-Fly List… http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2014/02/no-fly-list-bungle/
RT @hackernewsbot: FBI Checks Wrong Box, Places Student on No-Fly List… http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2014/02/no-fly-list-bungle/
RT @slashdot: NBC News confuses world about cyber-security (SlashDataCenter) http://slashdot.org/topic/datacenter/nbcnews-confuses-the-world-about-cybersecurity/
Anyone try Facebook’s new Paper app yet?
RT @gameinformer: Oculus VR To Co-Publish EVE: Valkyrie - http://bit.ly/1eyw1qG
Very creative and amazing shots. http://flip.it/8PSE6
RT @CBR: .@brianwood & Burchielli’s “DMZ” in the Works as SyFy TV Series http://on.cbr.cc/1bs2v1H
RT @Kotaku: Meet the man who hacked Jeopardy: http://bit.ly/1c4HRoe
Love that oil. http://flip.it/McTsN
Optimus riding a dinosaur, ok, I’m sold >> The first trailer for ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’ stars the Dinobots http://flip.it/r3Uw2
RT @iPhoneinCanada: Canadian Spy Agency Reportedly Linked to Angry Birds Data Snooping http://ow.ly/2aOH33
That’s a lot of snow!
RT @iPhoneinCanada: iTunes Radio Actually Playing Music in Canada for Some Users http://ow.ly/2aErjo
Macintosh 128K Teardown - iFixit http://flip.it/opgBO
Judge: IP-Address Does Not Prove Copyright Infringement http://feed.torrentfreak.com/~r/Torrentfreak/~3/MO8rg8dvKhw/
Aerie’s Unretouched Ads ‘Challenge Supermodel Standards’ For Young Women http://flip.it/7h8CO
RT @iMore: Google Now breaking free of mobile, headed to Mac and Windows http://phon.es/3ffh
RT @mgeist: Cyberbullying failure stems from not using existing law. C-13 solves little, but raises privacy probs http://bit.ly/1iHWanF 2/2
Can’t wait! #gameofthrones http://flip.it/msTdW
11 Of Your Favorite Childhood Characters In New, Terrifying Variations http://flip.it/FA7pJ
RT @redditflipboard: I present, the Steam Challenge [r/gaming] http://bit.ly/1de9FMc #reddit #flipboard
A Genius Design for Airplane Seats as Comfy as Aeron Chairs | Wired Design | http://Wired.com http://fb.me/24ftAmvVZ
RT @Kotaku: Someone made a program that designs games on its own. The result? “This is a game about a disgruntled child”: http://t.co/5h0z0…
RT @verge: Our interview with ‘Unmanned’ director Robert Greenwald on how America embraced drone warfare http://vrge.co/1a3El08