RT @IGN: Here’s an image we made to help you figure out who is who in the Star Wars: Episode VII photo. http://go.ign.com/1kqCLJm http://t.co/…
RT @IGN: Here’s an image we made to help you figure out who is who in the Star Wars: Episode VII photo. http://go.ign.com/1kqCLJm http://t.co/…
Lost the evidence in a “computer crash”, uh huh… http://flip.it/fJWzH
3D printed cast could heal bones 40 per cent faster http://flip.it/12ygO
RT @kejames: 230+ girls were abducted 12days ago. There is no search underway & global media is largely silent. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/25/nigeria-schoolgirls-families-hopes-fade #bri…
RT @gigaom: This team is advancing wireless chargers, providing power from 15 feet away http://ow.ly/wcpGu (by @signejb) http://t.co/zs…
RT @IGN: Netflix plans to raise the price of its streaming service. http://go.ign.com/1lPmWj7
RT @monteiro: Dear comics creators, please let us know if your pay checks increase by 30% in the coming weeks.
RT @verge: You can’t buy comics from the Comixology iOS app anymore http://vrge.co/1hyytPP
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Who can prevent forest fires? You have selected you, referring to me. That is incorrect, the correct answer is you.” htt…
Anti-Net-Neutrality “Fast Lanes” Are Bullshit http://www.marco.org/2014/04/24/fast-lanes-are-bullshit
RT @mcnees: If you don’t speak out against the FCC’s ridiculous “net neutrality” proposal, you deserve the internet you get. https://t.co/b…
#orphanblack is such a good show
After Much Anticipation, IFTTT Launches App For Android http://flip.it/ERBT4
42 devices connected to a new Mac Pro all at once. http://flip.it/B3fCI
Oh yeah! http://fb.me/6uN6Pk4wh
Fantastic statues in Caesar’s http://instagram.com/p/nCTmgLtBdb/
Surprised by the number of kids/families here #vegas
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so…” http://tmblr.co/ZRCGbv1DVg0Sb
RT @Kotaku: Someone built a Star Destroyer in Kerbal Space Program: http://bit.ly/1gHy1uE
RT @runasand: Side-by-side comparison of Ron Wyden’s question to James Clapper and Edward Snowden’s question to Vladimir Putin: https://t.c…
I for one welcome our new robot overlords. http://flip.it/ltBIG
Apple and Shazam planning to team up for music identification feature built into iOS http://flip.it/zAQy4
RT @ComicVine: Third and Final Trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past http://www.comicvine.com/articles/third-and-final-trailer-for-x-men-days-of-future-past/1100-148539/