RT @iPhoneinCanada: iPhone 6 Pre-Orders Set New Record: 4 Million Units in First 24 Hours http://ow.ly/3qKZk6
RT @iPhoneinCanada: iPhone 6 Pre-Orders Set New Record: 4 Million Units in First 24 Hours http://ow.ly/3qKZk6
RT @BGR: Microsoft now officially owns Minecraft http://bgr.co/Xo3FdF by @JacobSiegal
RT @verge: Here’s why the Microsoft / Minecraft deal isn’t as crazy as it sounds http://theverge.com/e/5894638
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “No.”
“Pork chops?!”
“Dad! Those all come from the same animal!”
“Yeah, right Lisa. A wonderful, *magical* animal.” http:…
Picking a new iPhone: there’s only one decision that matters http://flip.it/8lpLA
RT @film_girl: The amazing @femfreq opens to a standing ovation. Fuck yes. #xoxofest
Now we’re onto a Pretty Little Thing Called Love…
Neighbours two doors down have a live band in their backyard playing Hotel California, this is going to be a great night 😐
RT @evernote: Evernote for Android, now on Chromebook. Learn more: http://bit.ly/1D4r04N
RT @doctorow: Stephen Harper sells Canada: China can secretly sue to repeal Canadian laws http://boingboing.net/2014/09/13/stephen-harper-sells-canada-c.html
RT @DaveThroupEA: Iceland’s the place to be tonight. See a volcano erupting and the Northern Lights at the same time!
RT @wikileaks: US threatened family of journalist beheaded by #ISIS - “if you pay ransom for his life, we charge you with terrorism” http:/…
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “I’ve sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and by gum it put them on the map!” http://t.co/i2RDf…
RT @slashdot: Chrome OS Can Now Run Android Apps With No Porting Required http://bit.ly/1ozhPzA
Well, looky what came in the mail 😀 http://instagram.com/p/s002g_NBeb/
RT @kcase: OmniFocus 2.3 for iPhone has been submitted and is waiting for App Store review—and for iOS 8 to ship. Hello, Today! http://t.co…
RT @EFF: Over 70 organizations and companies tell Congress—emails should be protected by warrants. Add your voice: https://eff.org/r.1j9a
RT @Titanfallgame: Fast paced action with Interior passages and deadly rooftops… http://bit.ly/1tNlGQP #Zone18 #Titanfall http://t.co/zj…
RT @doctorow: #InternetSlowdown jams Congress’s switchboard: 1000 calls/minute! http://boingboing.net/2014/09/11/internetslowdown-jams-congres.html
EMERGENCY ACTION: Tell Congress to vote NO on an amendment that would kill #NetNeutrality. Defend our Internet now! https://DearFCC.org
The real question is, will @TimHortons support Pay?
RT @JoannaStern:
RT @JoannaStern: Tim Cook wants to kill this.
RT @tim_cook: I’m backstage and this is my first tweet from my iPhone 6. It’s amazing. You’re going to love it.
RT @mgeist: Ontario Govt Asks CRTC To Impose New Regulations and Fees on Internet Giants Such as Netflix and Google http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2014/09/ontario-government-asks-crtc-impose-new-regulations-fees-internet-giants-netflix-google/