
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “No.”
“Pork chops?!”
“Dad! Those all come from the same animal!”
“Yeah, right Lisa. A wonderful, *magical* animal.” http:…


RT @film_girl: The amazing @femfreq opens to a standing ovation. Fuck yes. #xoxofest


Neighbours two doors down have a live band in their backyard playing Hotel California, this is going to be a great night 😐


RT @DaveThroupEA: Iceland’s the place to be tonight. See a volcano erupting and the Northern Lights at the same time!



RT @wikileaks: US threatened family of journalist beheaded by #ISIS - “if you pay ransom for his life, we charge you with terrorism” http:/…


RT @kcase: OmniFocus 2.3 for iPhone has been submitted and is waiting for App Store review—and for iOS 8 to ship. Hello, Today! http://t.co


RT @tim_cook: I’m backstage and this is my first tweet from my iPhone 6. It’s amazing. You’re going to love it.
