I’m at Rogers Centre - @rogershelps for Toronto Blue Jays vs Baltimore Orioles in Toronto, ON https://www.swarmapp.com/c/gq0yPFIFI6k
I’m at Rogers Centre - @rogershelps for Toronto Blue Jays vs Baltimore Orioles in Toronto, ON https://www.swarmapp.com/c/gq0yPFIFI6k
RT @androoshaw: Sexy Olaf. I quit this planet. I quit it.
RT @MobileSyrup: TD Canada Trust app for iOS and Android updated with mobile cheque deposits http://buff.ly/1psh1fs
RT @redditflipboard: Punched up the fuckline [r/gifs] http://bit.ly/1v59jO8 #reddit #flipboard
Scientists make quantum leap, teleport data from light to matter http://flip.it/KUWP6
Indian spacecraft reaches Mars for less than it cost to make ‘Gravity’ http://flip.it/k3STR
the evolution of the iphone. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parislemon/~3/OObpYTeqKn8/98056884627
#CSEC #spying is secretive, expensive, and out-of-control. Speak out: https://OpenMedia.ca/CSECisWatching http://youtu.be/NK4zY2IVhqk (via @OpenMedia_ca)
RT @emlyn: @kyleve @dlpasco how about original Macintosh vs iOS icon?
Played Tetris with the contents of my garage this afternoon. Managed to fit everything including 2 cars #win
RT @kyleve: Screenshot from the original iPhone compared to a screenshot from an iPhone 6 Plus. Crazy.
RT @Rachel_England: This forever.
RT @cnnbrk: NORAD: Russian bombers intercepted in two incidents Thursday near U.S., Canadian airspace. http://cnn.it/1r7wLJZ
Android Browser flaw a “privacy disaster” for half of Android users — http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/09/android-browser-flaw-a-privacy-disaster-for-half-of-android-users/
RT @doctorow: #Apple’s #Patriot-Act-detecting “#warrantcanary” dies http://boingboing.net/2014/09/18/apples-patriot-act-detecting.html
RT @NASAhistory: #OTD in 1977 the first picture of the Moon and Earth in the same frame is taken by Voyager 1
So, who’s got #ios8 ?
Received a bill for the 407 today, I’ve never driven on the 407 😠
RT @rabois: eBay which had 145 MILLION accounts compromised recently is running ad campaigns against Apple which had a handful of accounts …
RT @anandtech: VESA Releases DisplayPort 1.3 Standard: 50% More Bandwidth, New Features http://bit.ly/1sg9JNI
RT @rossrubin: Can I buy a vowel? RT @rwang0: Most excellent! RT @FarshadNayeri: Fill in the blank and I’ll tell you your age http://t.co/f…
RT @gamespot: Here’s what to expect from the upcoming Titanfall map included in the IMC Rising DLC. http://l.gamespot.com/1m7efRL http://t.co/iAAX…
RT @Polygon: Opinion: The most disappointing part of Destiny is its boring story http://polygon.com/e/5913620