RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Lousy Smarch weather!”
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Lousy Smarch weather!”
This is all he does when he isn’t looking for food. https://instagram.com/p/z05x83NBcM/
RT @redditflipboard: New ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ trailer! [r/movies] http://bit.ly/1Kl7lnk #reddit #flipboard
I have faith Whedon can pull it off http://flip.it/MbZrU
No Man’s Sky is so big, the developers built space probes to explore it for them http://www.polygon.com/2015/3/3/8140343/no-mans-sky-space-probes-gdc-quintillion-worlds?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_content=article:bottom via @Polygon
RT @iMore: Apple will patch ‘FREAK Attack’ next week. Here’s our @reneritchie with what you need to know: http://www.imore.com/apple-patch-freak-attack-vulnerability-ios-os-x-next-week http://t.c…
RT @Polygon: Nvidia announces the new Shield: it’s a set-top box http://polygon.com/e/7909688
RT @gamespot: Valve announces Source 2, Steam Link, and Steam VR. http://l.gamespot.com/1Ehvczk
RT @gigaom: Google will announce its MVNO in “the coming months” says Sundar Pichai http://bit.ly/1ARrXNJ
#frozen #falls https://instagram.com/p/zp3He9tBQW/
Replying to @zpr4y and @CallofDuty
ya think? What would you say was the last good one on the PC?
.@callofduty Havoc delayed on PC :( http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/02/26/call-of-duty-advanced-warfare-havoc-dlc-delayed-on-pc
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Well, my work is done here.”
“What do you mean? Your work is done? You didn’t do anything.”
“…Didn’t I?” http://t.co/p…
Open letter to Parliament: Amend C-51 or kill it http://natpo.st/1wnSddq
RT @AndrewBloch: The best answer to an English exam question you will see all day:
via @ katie_martin_FX
So, anyone finished watching the 3rd season of @HouseofCards yet? 😃
RT @WIRED: Here is the science of why nobody can agree on the color of that dress. http://www.wired.com/2015/02/science-one-agrees-color-dress/
RT @redditflipboard: President Obama thanks redditors for their help on net neutrality with a handwritten note. … http://imgur.com/dZqiFrX …
FCC votes in favor of regulating the Internet like a public utility http://cir.ca/s/YTZ
PS4, PS3, PC Get Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s First DLC Today http://flip.it/39K8N
Vertical farm can make 44,000 pounds of tomatoes on the side of a parking lot http://flip.it/jcgX4
5 Myths and Facts About Ontario’s Updated Sex Education Curriculum | Karyn Pickles http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/karyn-pickles/ontario-sex-education-curriculum-update_b_6746012.html
VIDEO: Rex Murphy calls on Canada to go to war against Stephen Harper’s terror bill http://www.pressprogress.ca/en/post/video-rex-murphy-calls-canada-go-war-against-stephen-harpers-terror-bill via @pressprogress
Alex Neve: In terrorism bills, the Canadian government goes shopping for laws http://ottawacitizen.com/news/politics/alex-neve-in-terrorism-bills-the-canadian-government-goes-shopping-for-laws/
RT @TorontoStar: Parliament should give Harper’s flawed anti-terror bill the scrutiny it merits #Editorial
http://on.thestar.com/1Bx1RBX http://t…