RT @9to5mac: Update: Apple acknowledges another iCloud outage that affected all store services http://9to5mac.com/2015/06/02/icloud-down-again/
RT @gamespot: New @CallofDuty #AdvancedWarfare DLC adds maps, guns & the dulcet tones of Bruce Campbell. http://l.gamespot.com/1RHc0jI http://t.co…
RT @IGN: Sony reportedly picks new writer-director for The Dark Tower movie adaptation http://go.ign.com/zI9lNRK
RT @Polygon: Harley Quinn cracks skulls in this new Batman: Arkham Knight video http://polygon.com/e/8473970?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
RT @Polygon: Batman: Arkham Knight gives the worst value to its biggest fans http://www.polygon.com/2015/5/29/8687783/batman-arkham-knight-editions-omg
RT @giantbomb: Valve Announces Steam Refund Program http://ift.tt/1RHKG4S
RT @Polygon: Ubisoft outlines its E3 2015 plans, game lineup http://polygon.com/e/8480472?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
Two episodes behind on GoT, fixing that tonight!
The FBI made fake companies so it could fly spy planes over US cities | The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2015/6/2/8704823/fbi-made-fake-companies-spy-planes
USB-C likely to be used across the future MacBook range as Intel integrates with Thunderbolt http://flip.it/uJhg9
Uefi Attack And The Mac What You Need To Know
RT @Netflix_CA: “Are we destined to destroy each other, or can we change each other and unite?” #XMen #DaysOfFuturePast http://t.co/QhRX9Nd…
I love being able to do SMS from my Mac.
RT @verge: Microsoft is reportedly buying another great app: Wunderlist http://vrge.co/1KyBmMu
RT @verge: TSA failed to detect weapons 95 percent of the time in security sting http://theverge.com/e/8465782?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
UEFI attack and the Mac: What you need to know via @iMore http://www.imore.com/uefi-attack-and-the-mac-what-you-need-know
Apples New Streaming Music Service And Revamped iTunes Radio To
Apple’s New Streaming Music Service and Revamped iTunes Radio to Debut Next Week http://flip.it/skY8p
An Apple Customers Thoughts On Google IO 2015 iMore
Microsoft will release Windows 10 on July 29th via @verge http://www.theverge.com/2015/6/1/8511287/microsoft-windows-10-release-date-july
RT @viticci: So it sounds like @googlephotos can’t import photos if you have iCloud Photo Library enabled on your device http://t.co/hKX7q5…
An Apple customer’s thoughts on Google I/O 2015 via @iMore http://www.imore.com/apple-customers-look-google-io-2015
Anyone else find it weird that you can’t search Google Photos by camera model, make or lens information?
RT @theloop: Why the Google Photos license agreement is keeping me out - http://loopu.in/1KtfthI