A blow for mobile advertising: The next version of Safari will let users block ads on iPhones and iPads » http://flip.it/mc2kJ
A blow for mobile advertising: The next version of Safari will let users block ads on iPhones and iPads » http://flip.it/mc2kJ
Apple News Overview http://flip.it/1KQWk
RT @slashdot: Congress: We Didn’t Know the FBI Was Creating a Small Surveillance ‘Air Force’ http://bit.ly/1FHD1Mt
RT @OpenMedia_ca: URGENT: Bill C-51 Just passed. What’s next? Find out here: http://ow.ly/O6jH4 #StopC51 #KillC51 #cdnpoli http://t.co/…
You’ll be able to download songs for offline listening with Apple Music http://flip.it/fXbI2
iCloud Drive gets its own app on iOS 9, but it’s hidden by default | 9to5Mac http://9to5mac.com/2015/06/08/icloud-drive-app/
Why is Apple’s News app limited to certain countries? http://www.iphoneincanada.ca/news/apple-introduces-news-app-in-ios-9/
@Flipboard I’m sure you’ve considered it, but it would be awesome if you worked with @IFTTT
The future of iOS: apps you can enjoy without ever opening them http://flip.it/7oi0U
RT @gamespot: GameFly launches Netflix-style video game streaming service. http://l.gamespot.com/1dQzgNX
RT @neiltyson: Cool Fact: Helium was discovered on the Sun before it was discovered on Earth. Was thus named for Helios, the Greek Sun god.
I’m hopeful Apple pay & the new music service comes to Canada http://flip.it/GZ6V4
RT @Polygon: Vive developer kits now going out to studios, Valve says http://polygon.com/e/8504634?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
Edward Snowden: The World Says No to Surveillance http://flip.it/WFcCD
How The Red Cross Raised Half A Billion Dollars For Haiti — And Built Six Homes - Digg http://digg.com/2015/how-the-red-cross-raised-half-a-billion-dollars-for-haiti-and-built-six-homes?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=email
RT @hackernewsbot: TTIP explained: The secretive US-EU treaty that undermines democracy… http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2015/05/ttip-explained-the-secretive-us-eu-treaty-that-undermines-democracy/
RT @engadget: Scientists power a fitness tracker with household WiFi: http://engt.co/1KJWRdB
The fear is strong in this one. http://flip.it/JLTv0
Stephen King’s THE STAND Will Start As A New TV Miniseries Before The Film http://flip.it/ul7HF
All The Juicy Details Hidden In The Fallout 4 Trailer http://kotaku.com/all-the-juicy-details-hidden-in-the-fallout-4-trailer-1708720494
Only took 2 hours to get to the office this morning 😕 #trafficsucks