
Trumps Debts Are Widely Held On Wall Street Creating New

If the Trump businesses were to default on their debts, the giant financial institutions that serve as so-called special servicers of these loan pools would have the power to foreclose on some of Mr. Trump’s marquee properties or seek the tens of millions of dollars that Mr. Trump personally guaranteed on the loans. This is fine… source

The Cost Of Carbon Pricing In Ontario And Alberta

what it does show is that the dramatic price increases that some fear carbon pricing will cause are unlikely to be salient for most households. A good analysis on the effect cap-and-trade will have on the average Ontario home. I’m surprised at all the criticism I’ve seen on this, that the fact costs will increase is reason enough to do nothing and just let the environment go to hell. If industry has shown anything, it’s that it is unwilling to change unless it is forced to do so. Smart businesses would have seen this coming years ago and would have started making changes well before now.

RT @jonnysun: TREE: [sees christmas tree thru window] who dose he think he is. all dressed up. too good to be outside
ANOTHER TREE: be nice…


All the negative reviews on #SuperMarioRun are because of the price πŸ˜‚ A $10 Nintendo game is not expensive people.


RT @DestinyTheGame: The Dawning has arrived for all Rise of Iron players.

Visit Amanda Holliday to pick up your SRL bounties and begin th…
