
RT @charlesarthur: Interesting: new Android versions now rise slower, get less penetration than in early years.



Switching back to RSS

For the past few years I abandoned RSS in favour of social media, namely Twitter and Facebook. The main reason was because the number of posts to the sites I followed via RSS was simply too much to keep up with. By using social media, I didn’t have an unread count to keep up with. So, I unsubscribed from all the sites I was following and “Liked” or “Followed” them on Facebook and Twitter. I kept a few sites in my RSS reader, smaller blogs and sites I felt I wanted to read every post (Daring Fireball, Stratechery), but for the most part I unsubscribed from everything.

Trump Wont Drop Business Ties

Under the new ethics plan, Trump, his children and his longtime business associates will be barred from discussing company operations and the inner workings of the U.S. government. Trump’s team did not provide any details on how that ban would be enforced or verified. 😐

RT @oneLOUDERash: NIXON: No way can you pull off a more scandal-ridden presidency than I did.

TRUMP: Hold my beer.

NIXON: Wait this isn’t…
