RT @JuddLegum: The federal judge’s order in Washington State blocking Trump’s Muslim ban is pretty sweeping
RT @JuddLegum: The federal judge’s order in Washington State blocking Trump’s Muslim ban is pretty sweeping
RT @ACLU: Saying it one more time for the people in the back: Freedom of religion doesn’t mean the right to discriminate against other peo…
Proud to be apart of this town #AjaxForAll - http://www.durhamregion.com/news-story/7092935-new-ajax-initiative-aims-to-combat-racism-hate/
Apple’s record quarter by the numbers - Six Colors: https://sixcolors.com/post/2017/01/apples-record-quarter-by-the-numbers/
Replying to @googlecalendar
shared events (invites),iphone/web/iOS gcal,by default calendar is supposed to add 5min notification.
The Immigration Ban is a Headfake, and We’re Falling For It: https://medium.com/@jakefuentes/the-immigration-ban-is-a-headfake-and-were-falling-for-it-b8910e78f0c5#.ay1i2bee3
RT @ACLU: oooh, great idea! Help us get to 1 million followers. Be creative. You can do it, team. https://twitter.com/gavinsblog/status/825879849956945920
Why does Google Calendar keep removing my notification settings for events!? 😡