
Forked KnownReactions

I forked and updated the KnowRractions plugin to quote likes the same way it quotes reposts. This way, anything I like I also have a copy of the original content. This is the first time I’ve ever forked something on github. Also the first time I’ve really used git. Next, I want to see if I can fix this (& this).

RT @sarahcpr: House Republicans: We can’t release Trump’s taxes, we must protect his privacy

Also House Republicans: Here’s everyone’s bro…


The Galaxy S8s Red Display Problem Isnt Really A Problem

It’s unclear at this time what causes the problem or how many users are affected. Consumer Reports set out to investigate the matter and discovered that out of eight Galaxy S8 units it purchased, half of them had reddish displays. But, overall, the organization concluded it “is not a controversial issue.” Still amazed by the excuses organizations are making for this phone. I wonder, if this phone starts exploding, will that be enough for organizations to start looking at this thing with a critical eye?