
I Think Feedly Is My Preferred Mobile Rss Reader For

I think @feedly is my preferred mobile RSS reader for reading large volumes of articles. I like the popularity scores and the way the “magazine” view makes popular stories fill the screen. Quick and easy to get through a large number of items without feeling like I’ve missed something important.

Google Following Your Offline Credit Card Spending To Tell Advertisers

“Put A and B together, and suddenly you have a much clearer picture to share with advertisers: Why yes, John Smith did see four ads for your coffee drink online yesterday, before spending exactly what one of those drinks costs at a location of yours near his office. Congratulations, your ads work; spend more money advertising with us now, please.” So basically if you have Google’s location tracking enabled on your phone, they’re selling that information to their advertisers. Not creepy at all 🙄

Like Tensor For Humans Apple Reportedly Working On Ai Cores

“If true, this should surprise no one. Arguably, Apple’s biggest advantage in computing right now is that the company custom crafts the complete stack, from atom to bit to pixel. That includes an ever-increasing amount of custom silicon.” Here’s hoping they talk about this at WWDC.

RT @cdespinosa: If you favor politicians assaulting people they think “deserve it” you don’t support the rule of law or Constitution; you m…
