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when you follow the news via social media, you’re relying on other people bringing you the news, unless you’re following individual news stories. RSS is like getting your newspaper of choice delivered to the front door rather than relying on heading down to the local bar to listen in on what everyone’s shouting about. source

Today's episodeThe DailyRussia's Facebook ads

Today’s episode of The Daily was really depressing. It perfectly describes how most people would rather believe a story that reinforces their view of the world rather than the truth. This allows people to be easily manipulated and controlled, which I find fascinating, but mostly disturbing. What happened to don’t believe everything you read? With more and more information starting to come out about Russia’s Facebook ads, it’s clear that Russia perfectly understands how to manipulate and control the US population. This will probably get way worse before it gets any better.

Bell Calls For Crtc Backed Website Blocking System And Complete Criminalization

Michael Geist: “The Bell proposals (which sit alongside broadcast distribution proposals that would enshrine simultaneous substitution in NAFTA and create the prospect of blocked U.S. channels under a consent model) suggest that the company’s position as a common carrier representing the concerns of ISPs and their subscribers is long over. Instead, Bell’s copyright advocacy goes beyond what even some U.S. rights holders have called for, envisioning new methods of using copyright law to police the Internet with oversight from the CRTC and implementing such provisions through NAFTA.”


The document scanner in the Notes app in is really good 👌🏼 Anyone know if it does any kind of OCR for search?